Monday, December 6, 2010

Have you met God?

Now you will ask me what kind of question is this.... Well friends I want to know and understand that have you ever met god?

Millions of people across the world are praying in quest of God yet I have to still meet one person who can reply me in affirmative to the above question, You will find godmen weaving tales of falsehood and leading us to believe that they have seen God. Sometimes I wonder is there a god ? or Are we following pure conditioning whereby fear,greed,fulfilment are different elements that lead us to believe in God.

To understand how true is our belief in God let us go back in time and understand as to how we started believing in god. Picture yourself as a small child who is been taken to church,temple,Mosque etc (as per your religion ) and the priest preaches about right or wrong i.e. if you do such and such thing you will be blessed by god and if you do such and such thing you shall be punished by god ... now these preachings by priest or our parents or grandparents become gospel truth and we get entrenched in these thought process that subconsiously we start believing that these thoughts are the truth of life and accept them.

Here I want to ask you that is this the reason that we pray to god or do we really feel that god is there... ..

I am taking a pause here in the meanwhile and I hope for the feedback from you as to what you feel on this till then happy hunting .... for god,goodness.....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lets begin

Well friends iam trying to create blog of mine whereby I could share with you my ideas and your meaningful lets make a new beginning which can take us beyond the horizon.